Vibration Consulting

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Don't settle for a reading...


We can provide solutions to areas with histories of issues. In many cases Deep Earth Logic will be asked to assist in situations involving repeated cases of excessive air overpressure, entirely out of compliance.


Deep Earth Logic has found that other seismic providers will often declare the data to be good; however, when brought in as a second opinion, it is found that there is misuse of the equipment. We ensure all equipment is properly utilized to obtain significantly more accurate and reliable data.


Deep Earth Logic can also assist in neighbor resolution. Through our extensive knowledge of vibration and seismic data, we can communicate thoroughly and clearly while acting as a neutral third-party.

Providing Real Solutions

When Deep Earth Logic is brought in two provide a different perspective and analysis, we bring our technology and knowledge to provide real solutions with desired results.


Deep Earth Logic monitors with an array of seismographs to ensure accurate results compared and analyzed by our trained field technicians. When this data is compared to other seismic data providers, our extensive techniques prove more effective as we provide recommendations to blasters on both timing and the opening hole.


This kind of care and attention provides the solutions customers need. Rather than a simple guarantee of a reading, Deep Earth Logic brings solutions and the results needed.